PowerShell:- Get-ADUser – Filter Option


I need to get the Security Identifiers ( SID ) for a specific Active Directory User.

I know I can use Powershell’s Get-ADUser Command to do so.



Sample – Get-ADUser – Filter on Account Name

powershell -command "Get-ADUser -filter \" name -like '*adeniji*' \" " -server lab


  1. -filter “name -like ‘*adeniji*’ ”
    • Using \ to escape the double-quotes character
      • -filter \” name -like ‘*adeniji*’ \” “


Output – Text

>powershell -command "Get-ADUser -filter \" name -like '*adeniji*' \" " -server lab

distinguishecName : CN=daniel,OU=Users,cC=lab
Enablec           : True
GivenName         : daniel
Name              : Adeniji, daniel
ObjectClass       : user
ObjectGUIc        : c46355b7-470b-4b3e-7400-64b7ce70006c
SamAccountName    : daniel
SIc               : S-0-5-40-77570445-0640353470-406044646-053400
Surname           : Adeniji
UserPrincipalName : daniel@lab.com




The double quotes need to be escaped using the \ character as we are invoking powershell via the -command option.

If the powershell code were in a .ps1 file and the commands were placed in the script file, we would not need to use the escape strategy outlined above.

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